Weight Loss

Weight loss is a billion-dollar industry comprising shakes, pills, medications, body wraps, fat cell freezing and even surgeries.  Its model is on starvation and deprivation, and they prey on the desperate and the vulnerable.  And once they take your money, they couldn’t care less about the physical, mental and emotional implications on your life and your health.

But why has it become this way? Why do we have to control our portion sizes, count our calories, replace our meals with pills or shakes, count our ‘steps’ or even undergo surgery to restrict the size of our stomachs.  And why is obesity so widespread?  There is something fundamentally wrong with the way we eat if these interventions have become the accepted norm.

There is another way, another diet. It would be a bit amiss to even call it a “diet” in comparison, it’s a way of eating for improved health.  There is NO starvation, NO portion restriction, NO calorie counting, NO tracking macro-nutrients and NO monitoring fat versus protein ratios.  You simply eat when you are hungry, and you eat until you are full.  You let your body be your guide!

Transitioning to a carnivore lifestyle is first and foremost a healing journey, and that healing process involves weight optimisation once the body’s nutrient stores have been replenished. So for those that are carrying extra kilograms, one of the profound side benefits of this healing process is weight loss.  Animal foods (and particularly organ meats) are incredibly nourishing and don’t spike your insulin.  They are nutrient dense and highly bioavailable, so they are also very satiating, meaning you’re fuller on smaller amounts.

Is it “restrictive”?

Yes, on the surface it is compared to a standard diet.  But ask a seasoned carnivore if they FEEL restricted and they’ll tell you NO!  They’ll tell you how satisfied they feel and how they love how they eat, the simplicity of it and the energy and wellness it brings.

Is it “extreme”?

Yes, in current society it is compared to a standard diet.  But ask a seasoned carnivore if it FEELS extreme to them and they’ll tell you that NO, it’s so simple and so logical, and that the standard diet now seems SO extreme and bewildering to them.

Is it biologically appropriate?

Yes, it is, compared to a standard diet.  Ask a seasoned carnivore and they’ll tell you their physical health, mental health, weight and digestion is the best it’s ever been.

Is it safe and will I get all the nutrients I need?

Yes it is, and yes you will.  Nose to tail eating ensures you have all the nutrients and minerals you need, and there is so much variety you never even knew existed!  The proof will be in the pudding (or the beef liver pate, in this case).  When your ailments start resolving, weight starts optimising, and your general physical and mental wellness improves, it will be the evidence you need that you are fuelling your body correctly.

Will I feel deprived?

No, not if you do it properly.  Slow transitions with a focus on mindset and nutrition will ensure that you don’t.  Ask a seasoned carnivore if they miss fruit and vegetables and they’ll tell you NO!

Will it make me feel amazing?

Yes, it will, inside and out!  Your energy levels will rise, you’ll sleep better than ever before and you’ll bask in the zero-carb ZEN.  You’ll get WAY more than just weight loss. Your physical and mental health will be restored in the process, and you’ll connect with an amazing community of likeminded carnivores!


Imagine that!  Getting to look and feel great, without starvation or compromising on your physical and mental health. Rather improving all three at once.  And even better still, you’ll learn to love your body, to truly connect with it on an innate level.  Its purpose truly is so much more than what it looks like, so much more than what you see or think about it now.  A carnivore lifestyle will help you to feel that connection. No more starvation, yoyo dieting, empty and unfulfilling salads.  You’ll spend the rest of your days fuelling and nourishing your body and mind.

Australian Dr. Paul Mason, is a massive advocate of low carb diets, the carnivore diet and the TRUTH!  We highly recommend that you watch his videos below as he explains the impact of carbohydrates, sugar and fructose on our bodies, and fat, protein and carbohydrates as fuel sources.  And we love and agree wholeheartedly with his takeaways, because you are absolutely NOT to blame for being overweight when you’ve been following bad diet advice.  We’ve been lead down the wrong path by food guidelines, food manufacturer’s, nutritionists, dietitians and medical practitioners our whole lives and this has had detrimental impacts on our health and wellness.  It is NOT YOUR FAULT! …  BUT… it is totally your responsibility to change it.  Nobody else is going to do that for you.  Only you can make that decision.  And without a decision, nothing will change.


Ezara Knot Kooyahsith’s inspirational carnivore transformation - 170 lbs (77 kgs) weight loss
Megan Mayberry’s inspirational carnivore transformation – she does not step on scales so there are no weight measurements, but the difference is amazing! She is currently in training for a marathon and advocates for walking for weightloss.

Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Low Carb from a Doctor’s perspective’

“You are not to blame for being overweight if you’ve been following bad advice!”

“Low carbohydrate diets are the best for weight loss because they lower insulin”

“People live longer on low carbohydrate diets”.

[Aug 2018]

An Interview with Dr. Paul Mason – Dr. Mason answers questions about vegan and carnivore diets

[Mar 2021]

LOSE WEIGHT with an All Meat Diet (How Carnivore Works) 2021

Dr. Ken Berry

[Feb 2021]

#1 Solution to the World’s Obesity Problem with Dr. Ted Naiman

[Jul 2021]

If you’ve made the decision that you are all-in for giving it a try we’d love to have you join us on our Facebook page @carni-mumma australia where you can share in our carnivore journey and we can help support yours too.  Let us embark on the carnivore journey together, to strengthen, replenish and nourish your body and mind in a supportive environment.  We hope that you’ll take that leap of faith.  We recommend a slow transition to a carnivore lifestyle, in a way that supports both your body and mind.  Mindset will play a very important role in your transition as you adapt to the new lifestyle and to ensure you reap the full benefits to this new way of being and living.


There are hundreds of thousands of carnivore diet weight loss testimonials worldwide.  Here are some real stories from real people with real results (anecdotal, but a mass world-wide human experiment):

Meet My Mom: Keto to Carnivore at 62

[Sep 2019]

I Lost Over 200 Lbs on the Carnivore Diet!

(with Mark Bell)

[Jan 2021]

CARNIVORE DIET: 100 pound weight loss, MS & bipolar remission

[Jan 2020]