
  What is the Carnivore Diet?

  The Carnivore Diet is simply a species-appropriate human diet of predominantly animal meats. 
  If it had a mother and could walk, swim or fly then it’s fair game!

  Ruminant animals, like beef and lamb, are favoured due to their taste and ease of digestion.
  Other meats such as poultry, pork and fish, as well as eggs and dairy (if tolerated) are typically included.

  Eating nose-to-tail is encouraged to receive the nutrients that organs (particularly beef liver) provide.    
  Eating the fattier cuts of meat and salting them is encouraged.

  Beverages on the Carnivore Diet include water, bone broth and electrolytes.

  The diet is very satiating and nourishing and you’re encouraged to eat when you are hungry and eat
  until you are full.

  The meals are simple, often mono-meals (just one ingredient), and minimal products and supplements
  are recommended.  You are encouraged to get your nutrients from predominantly food sources.

What is the Carnivore Diet?

The Carnivore Diet is simply a species-appropriate human diet of predominantly animal meats. If it could walk, swim or fly then it’s fair game!

Ruminant animals, like beef and lamb, are favoured due to their taste and ease of digestion. Other meats such as poultry, pork and fish, as well as eggs and dairy (if tolerated) are typically included.

Eating nose-to-tail is encouraged to receive the nutrients that organs (particularly beef liver) provide.

Eating the fattier cuts of meat and salting them is encouraged.

Beverages on the Carnivore Diet include water, bone broth and electrolytes.

The diet is very satiating and nourishing and you’re encouraged to eat when you are hungry and eat until you are full.