Your Why

What brings you here?  What’s your motivation for starting your carnivore journey?  Write it down, right now!  Desire for change starts with a single decision and a single goal.  You need to OWN your “WHY” right from the start.

Many people have travelled this path for a variety of very different reasons, whether it was for general health and wellness, to achieve and maintain fitness, peak performance or body composition, for weight loss, to undertake healing from chronic illnesses, for mental health healing and mental wellbeing and even just for a simpler lifestyle.

The decision to change your current life to a carnivore lifestyle, particularly when it contradicts everything you’ve ever been told, can be a difficult one to grasp mentally and your thoughts and feelings will evolve over time as you undertake the transition.  But no matter what your reasons for being here are, mindset will play massive role in making that transition a successful one.

Carnivore Lifestyle Australia recommends slow and gentle transitions that are kind to both body and mind.  There are no prizes for going cold turkey!  There is no timeframe for change!  And everybody’s carnivore journey is unique and that’s perfectly ok.  Even if your motivations for carnivore are entirely aesthetic related, you want to do that in the kindest possible way to your body and mind to minimise unwanted transition symptoms.  Our beginner’s guide to transition, nutrition and lifestyle can be found ­here.

Health & Wellness