Allergies & Intolerances (Healing and Management)

Allergies and intolerances….. what a  M I N D F I E L D !!  Anyone who has been down this road knows just how rough it can be.  There are the more commonly known allergies like dairy, eggs, nuts and shellfish that pose life threatening anaphalactic reactions.  And then there are the lesser-known allergies, that can be equally debilitating and life destroying like the intolerances to; histamines, amines, glutamates, salicylates, oxalates, sulfites/ thiols, nightshades, phytates, tannins, lectins and polyphenols.

If you’ve personally been down the rabbit hole of one of these lesser-known allergies, then you’ll be familiar with the 30+ page, colour coded food charts and mobile phone apps that outline “low” or safe foods.  And if you’ve suffered from more than one of these intolerances at a time then you’ll know the frustration and desperation involved with figuring out what you can eat.  You’ve likely undertaken an elimination diet of some description.

Elimination diets provide a true indication of whether your body can tolerate a particular food or not. But you need to work from a baseline of no triggers, one that allows gastrointestinal homeostasis before reintroduction of other foods. The carnivore diet is the ultimate elimination diet, a scientifically validated way of determining safe and unsafe foods for your body.  By removing all plant-based foods including spices, seasonings and sauces, you are effectively removing the majority of the potentially problematic foods or triggers in one hit.  After being on a strict carnivore diet for a month with no triggers presenting in the diet itself, you can gradually reintroduce one food at a time for a period of time and gauge your body’s true reaction.  This isolates which foods you shouldn’t eat based upon how your body responds to each individual food reintroduction.  If, however, you’re still having triggers on a strict carnivore diet, it may be that eggs, dairy, pork, chicken or coffee might be the offending foods.  In this case, you can drop to a ruminant, salt and water only diet for a short period of time until you’ve achieved gastrointestinal homeostasis, from which you obtain a stricter baseline, and can add foods back in from there.  Warning; most people that undertake a carnivore diet for elimination purposes actually feel that good on it that they don’t bother adding bulk fruit and vegetables back in.

It may sound like an extreme, drastic measure even, but I’m yet to meet anyone that has ever regret undertaking the exercise to see what truly works for their body.  The only way you’ll know for sure, is if you try it for yourself.  Many people find that they go into a carnivore diet enjoying and including dairy, only to discover down the line that it disagrees with them.  At this point, many people are quite happy and willing to give it up.  We recommend a dairy free approach from the start, or at least limiting dairy to a small snack each day (not a significant part of your diet).  Just remember, when adding foods back in, you will need to test them over a period of days, as sometimes it’s the cumulative effect that makes a particular plant food toxic for us.

“As someone who has suffered with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) or severe histamine intolerance first hand, I am so passionate about helping others to recover from these life destroying allergies.  When a simple salad or piece of fruit brings you to your knees and sends you to the Emergency Room, it’s a body that is screaming for help and usually a terrified individual with limited medical avenues to go down to understand it let alone resolve it.  At my worst, I could only eat 8 safe ingredients and they had to be cooked very, very carefully.  My body could only tolerate them fresh and cooked by boiling.  Anything slow cooked, roasted, pan fried, stewed or accidentally cooked 5 seconds too long would be a recipe for an allergic reaction.  And whilst they were safe foods, they were completely unnourishing, I felt starved, deprived, miserable, depressed and had no energy to function in normal everyday life.  I could not have maintained that life long-term.  If I encountered any unsafe foods, my eyes would swell shut and my right ear would swell twice its size.  My neck muscles would seize, and I’d find it difficult to swallow.  My body would break out in painful hives and welts all over.

And if barely being able to eat wasn’t enough, then came the snowball, where I was that depleted that my body started reacting to everything in my environment.  I couldn’t take a shower without the water burning and welting my skin like it was acid.  If I accidentally splashed my feet with a tiny amount of water when watering my pot plants, they would welt, burn like I’d walked in acid and swell significantly before the onset of the incredible itch.  It was a really awful and miserable time in my life.  I didn’t know anyone that was experiencing the same symptoms as me and I felt very alone.  The ER advice given was simply “avoid triggers”.  And although this was my ‘before carnivore’ journey, it was my first introduction to the healing powers of animal products.  Over a very long and slow process I used beef liver, cod liver oil and electrolytes to raise my caeruloplasmin (bioavailable bound copper) to dampen the reactions.  And I did get back to a place of ‘tolerating’ 95% of foods on a clean paleo diet.  Whilst I kept myself out of the ER for 3 years, I still experienced allergic reactions and had many chronic symptoms persisting.  Mapping of my microbiome showed that I had below detectable limits of good bacteria in my gut.  So, it was very clear that something was still very wrong with the way I was eating, even if I was beyond the severe reactions.  I conceded that just because I could eat 95% of foods again, doesn’t mean I should.  Slowly removing the plant-based foods from my diet, removed 99% of my triggers and significantly decreased the frequency of my reactions.  And miraculously, my good gut microbiome finally started to grow! 

You may ask, how is ‘having’ to follow a carnivore diet any different to following a low histamine diet or sticking to my safe foods.  I can tell you they are worlds apart!  I felt utterly defeated on a low histamine diet, eating only 8 safe ingredients (only 3 ingredients were meal-worthy).  I was malnourished and miserable.  I feel the complete opposite on a carnivore diet.  I feel nourished, I feel healing, I feel connection, I crave organs, I feel hope, I feel happy that there is so much variety and I’m no longer scared.  Many of my severe histamine reactions were occurring in my sleep around 2-3am.  I would wake unable to breathe and having difficulty swallowing, it was terrifying.  I would be covered all through my scalp to the soles of my feet and palms of my hands in painful welts.  There is nothing about the carnivore diet that invokes that level of fear or panic.  For the first time in over a decade, I feel optimistic about my future.  The carnivore diet truly is the silver bullet for me.”

– Carni-Mumma Australia

If you’ve made the decision that you are worth trying something new we’d love to have you join us on our Facebook page @carni-mumma australia where you can share in our carnivore journey and we can help support yours too.  We are extremely compassionate about helping to gently and kindly restore your body’s nutrient stores to enable it to heal and regain a quality of life.  We need to end the needless suffering and endless frustrations over inadequate health care for invisible and chronic illnesses, including allergies.  Let us embark on a healing journey together, to strengthen, heal and nourish your body and mind in a supportive environment.  We hope that you’ll take that leap of faith, you deserve to be well and happy.  We recommend that you aim for an extra slow, gentle and kind transition, with a strong focus on mindset.  Due to the highly reactive nature of allergies like MCAS it’s advisable to first slowly get back to a safe place of being able to eat the majority of foods before considering a transition to carnivore.

Real stories from real people with real results (anecdotal, but a mass world-wide human experiment):

My Journey To Health – Why I stopped eating fruits and veggies! Salicylate Sensitivity
(Not specific to Carnivore but removal of fruits and vegetables as allergens)

[May 2020]