Chronic Illness Healing

We’re looking at you, invisible illnesses!

If you’ve been suffering from a chronic or severe health condition or issue then it’s likely that your body is in an inflamed, fragile and depleted state and that your mind is likely utterly exhausted from what feels like merely surviving and functioning in daily life.  The fatigue is compounded by the never-ending search for answers, relief, help and hope, where the medical system has failed you.  Your finances are also likely exhausted from trying numerous treatments and medications that offer no long-term prospects for good health.  You likely socially feel like you exist on the fringe of society, where everyone else appears to be passing you by enjoying their good health and wellness and the people around you can’t possibly understand your epic daily struggles to just get out of bed and survive.  And the people closest to you (family and friends), your critical support network, may have turned out to be your biggest non-believers, leaving you feeling so alone in your suffering. 

Your attempts at seeking medical help and support may have often been met by doctor’s dismissive of your symptoms, uninterested (actually uneducated) in anything outside the norm, and leave you feeling mentally worse.  They may have even put the knife in a second time by telling you that all of your symptoms are “all in your head”.  As a result, you’ve likely stepped outside the conventional medical field and sought the support of naturopaths who’ve wowed you with their intense knowledge of genetics, synapses, mutations and their interactions, and then bombarded you with an extremely costly prescription of supplements that didn’t really do much other than empty your pockets every month and make you feel worse.  You’re possibly working on the down-low with one of the few good doctors out there, but you may feel that your condition is stagnant or falls under one of the umbrella terms for ‘we have no clue how to help you’ (chronic, idiopathic, autoimmune and dyspepsia).  You’ve likely already tried out multiple diets, removed sugar, gluten and dairy, or gone paleo or keto, with no real long-term benefit.  YOU’VE LIKELY BEEN THROUGH THE ABSOLUTE RINGER!  We see you!  We know what you’ve been through!  And we are here to support your journey to wellness so that you can someday soon, look back and see that chapter closed for life!  Let us be your last resort!  This was ours, and it truly has been a gift!

Whatever your journey has been until now, you need to understand that the current state of your poor physical and mental health is NOT YOUR FAULT, we were never armed with the correct knowledge or guidance needed to sustain our body’s and brain’s nutrient stores.  And the environment we exist in and the lifestyles we lead in current society aren’t supportive of our basic health and wellness needs. 

Your mind and body are not independent of each other, they cannot exist separately.  When physical illness sets in for a prolonged period, your mineral and nutrient stores become depleted, your available energy plummets and often the chronic illness triplet-sisters’ (depression, anxiety and insomnia) move in. It’s NOT YOUR FAULT that your mental health starts to faulter.  In fact, we’d be shocked if you had balanced mental health and an extremely positive mindset where chronic or prolonged illness are involved, one will always affect the other.  This can make it incredibly hard to trust anyone saying they may just have the answer for you and want to help. Life without endless pain and struggle does exist!

NONE OF IT IS YOUR FAULT…  BUT…  it is totally your responsibility to heal.  Nobody else is going to do that for you.  Only you can make that decision.  And without a decision, nothing will change. The health care system is just a large-scale disease management system and may never give you the help and answers you need.  But you have the power and control to your own health.

Here is a list of conditions and illnesses that have been anecdotally improved or cured by making the decision to undertake a carnivore lifestyle.  The diet enables the resolution of autoimmune diseases and inflammation through the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and maintaining intestinal homeostasis, the foundations to healing the body.  We can’t recommend this way of life enough, it is truly an incredible healing journey.  You can read more of the “why’s” here and here.  

If you’ve made the decision that you are worth it and are all-in for giving it a try we’d love to have you join us on our Facebook page @carni-mumma australia where you can share in our carnivore journey and we can help support yours too.  Let us embark on a healing journey together, to strengthen, heal and nourish your body and mind in a supportive environment.  It’s time to end the needless suffering and endless frustrations over inadequate health care for invisible and chronic illnesses.  We hope that you’ll take that leap of faith, you deserve to be well and happy.  After everything you’ve endured to date, it is so critical that the transition to a carnivore lifestyle is done with love and care, and in a way that supports both your body and mind in its current condition.  We recommend that you aim for an extra slow, gentle and kind transition, with a strong focus on mindset.

The following 2 video’s by Dr Sarah Myhill are a MUST WATCH for anyone who is suffering from a chronic illness, regardless of what that illness is.  Whilst not specific to Carnivore, it explains the root cause of ALL illnesses, the modern-day diet!  Carnivore goes one step further to remove the unnecessary fibre and toxins from vegetables for optimal health and wellness.

Dr Sarah Myhill On The Importance Of Diet In Treating CFS/ME (Mentions Alzheimer’s and Metabolic Syndrome)

[Aug 2017]

Dr Myhill On Treatment For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

[Jul 2017]

There are so many doctors in support of a carnivore diet.  Dr. Georgia Ede (a Harvard-trained, board-certified psychiatrist) developed an interest in nutrition after discovering and implementing a carnivore diet and the reversal of her bewildering health issues that she developed in her early 40’s, including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, IBS and migraines (see Dr. Georgia Ede’s videos here) .  Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Paul Mason and Dr. Paul Saladino are just a few shown below:

10 AUTOIMMUNE Conditions Benefit from CARNIVORE Diet (Research 2021)

[Aug 2020]

Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Reversing dementia with diet: a 2021 update’

[Sep 2021]

Paul Saladino: Is Nose-to-Tail Carnivore the Optimal Human Diet?

[Jul 2019]

Treating BOWEL Symptoms with DIET (IBS, UC, Crohn’s, GERD, Bloating, Ulcers) – Dr. Ken Berry

[Aug 2020]

Real stories from real people with real results (anecdotal, but a mass world-wide human experiment):

Mikhaila Peterson – ‘Don’t Eat That’ (Autoimmune Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Skin Issues)

[Apr 2019]


[Nov 2019]

The Carnivore Diet and Autoimmune Disease // with Grass Fed Girl

[Apr 2019]

I Ate Carnivore for 30 Days | Then Didn’t Stop (Lyme Disease)

[Aug 2020]