Simpler Lifestyle

A return to a simpler life.  It’s. As. Simple. As. That.  And what a beautiful way to live!

The change in diet alone will reduce the amount of time and energy you spend buying food due to the reduced ingredients and being able to gather all your needs usually in the one isle or from the one butcher.  It will also significantly reduce the time you spend daily in the kitchen cooking.  Many carnivore meals take just 5-10 minutes to cook for a whole family or have minimal preparations required before putting in the slow cooker or oven.  Not to mention that most carnivores drop to 2 and even sometimes 1 meal a day purely because they no longer feel hunger and are getting all of their nutrients and fuel from less, more nutrient dense, meals.

It even makes your ‘needs’ and ‘must haves’ lessen.  Suddenly you don’t need a bigger kitchen, more cupboard or bench space, a dedicated butler’s pantry nor a massive refrigerator.  (Though fair warning, you’ll likely start to fantasize about where you’d fit a chest freezer).  You’ll be able to declutter your pantry and send a lot of your stove pots and kitchen gadgets to a new home.

You’ll probably even start to examine ways to lead a low-tox life, by switching out your clothes washing liquids (we recommend using bicarbonate soda and white vinegar) and reassessing your personal products (face creams and deodorants are barely needed once your diet is optimal).  With a clearer mind and more stable disposition, you may even start to evaluate your relationships, with the view to surrounding yourself with people that build you up, your new tribe.

It’s actually quite fascinating once you’ve simplified the way you eat, how your mind starts to become more acutely aware of your surroundings, habits and other areas of your lifestyle, and it starts to automatically seek out ways in which to make the rest of your life simpler, more efficient and an overall more joyful experience.  Less is definitely more in the carni-world!

Fuelling your body correctly brings about a wonderful feeling of calmness.  It’s quite a foreign and bizarre feeling at first, when you start to notice that you’re less reactive and more protective of your mind.  Some people describe the feeling as; increased mental acuity, an inner tranquility due to being in alignment with their ancestral nature, being the most level-headed they’ve ever been in their entire life, heightened awareness of their senses and surroundings, the ultimate mind-grounding, being on a continuous positive feedback loop, a feeling of complete serenity and euphoria, a natural resilience or simply living the carnivore-flow.  However you choose to describe it, we’d love for you to come and join the Carni-ZEN with us here!

What will you do for yourself now that you have all this extra time and energy, not spent on food shopping, food preparation and cooking?