Eye Fillet Steak

Eye Fillet Steak

The eye fillet is one of the most tender cuts of meat and is delicious pan fried or oven roasted to rare.  Although it’s usually a thicker cut of meat, don’t cook it too much longer because it is nicest served rare.  The eye fillet is cut from the tenderloin.
  1. Bring eye fillet to room temperature before cooking.
  2. Salt to your liking with a good quality salt (Celtic Grey Sea Salt or Magnesium Enriched Natural Lake Salt)
  3. Don’t overload the pan, this is very important.  
  4. Pan fry on high heat in a tablespoon of duck fat for 3 minutes each side for a juicy rare steak, or longer, to your liking.
  5. Allow to rest for 5 minutes before eating.