Our Philosophy

Have you ever wondered how there can be so much physical and mental illness and disease in a first world/ developed society that mostly plays by the rules? How even with medical interventions, chronic conditions never seem to really resolve, only get worse? And how collectively our children seem sicker now than ever before (colic, reflux, intolerances, allergies, IBS, eczema, asthma, adenoid surgeries, dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, autism, anxiety and even depression)?

We believe that the increasing physical and mental illnesses in society point to a fundamental error in the status quo – the way we eat and the lifestyles we lead.

Whilst our parent’s generation has copped a lot of flack over the highly processed, high sugar, gluten and additive laden diets that they fed us, so far disconnected from our ancestors, the past decade of gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free diets, seem to have also missed the mark entirely!

Today’s food preparation standards resemble some sort of science experiment – overwhelming number of ingredients, cooking appliances in excess of $3,000, hours in the home-kitchen creating restaurant quality meals that resemble abstract art and the en masse substitution of wheat flours (for rice, oat, coconut, almond, tiger nut, and cassava meals), refined sugars (for xylitol, erythritol, allulose, stevia, agave, monk fruit, coconut sugar, maple syrup and honey sweeteners) and cow’s milk (for rice, soy, almond, coconut, oat, hemp seed, cashew, and pea milks). All of which may have brought about some relief to people for a time, but they don’t get to the root cause of the reasons why we are a society of growing intolerances, allergies and chronic illnesses and disease.

The well-known conditions of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, dementia, depression, anxiety, autism, ADD and ADHD are still all on the rise. But also the lesser known conditions people are suffering from, including debilitating insomnia, fibromialgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lyme-like systemic flares, histamine intolerance/ mast cell activation syndrome – MCAS, severe intolerances to oxalates, salycilates,  glutimates, sulfites, phytates, tannins, lectins, polyphenols, amines, thiols, nightshades, and gastrointestinal conditions such as stomach ulcers, IBS, GERD, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis and SIBO.

Despite a decade of these dietary ‘improvements’ from the gluten-free, sugar-free and dairy-free movement, it’s all still on the rise and our children are suffering now more than ever. So, if our parents didn’t get it right, and we still didn’t get it right, it begs the question, just how ‘right’ is the whole food-model? Just how ‘healthy’ are fruits, vegetables and all of our imitation flours, sweeteners and milks?

As former organic home-produce growers we understand the extensive selective breeding and hybridisation our current fruits and vegetables have undergone over time, the difficulties in growing them without the use of pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and synthetic fertilisers, and their fascinating defence mechanisms to being attacked by predators through their own endogenous insecticides and toxins, to discourage both bugs and humans from eating them! This extensive alteration and domestication are so far removed from their wild origins, that our present day fruits and vegetables are super-sized, cartoon-like produce, readily available year-round.

From this one wild mustard plant…


To all these. What on earth have we done to our food! This is not ‘natural’!!!


We live in a society that dare not question the status-quo for fear of repercussion, judgement, severe bullying and social media-suicide.  Yet we tell our children to be imaginative, open-minded, free-thinkers, and as they get older to think outside the box.  Yet are we modelling this ourselves, or blindly adhering to the status-quo that fruits and vegetables are healthy foods in the quantities that we consume them and under the guise of them being good for us (whether we like the taste or not)?  Have you ever wondered why so many parents struggle to get their children to eat their vegetables?  How much longer are our children’s innate instincts to avoid them going to be ignored by us and forced onto them?  Any why men seem to have a natural opposition to salads and vegetables and a natural affinity for meat?

Enter the carnivore diet.

So far removed from everything we’ve ever been taught about nutrition. Standard dieticians and nutritionists everywhere are scoffing at the thought of a meat-only diet and touting how it’s ‘dangerously devoid of essential food groups’ because it’s so far removed from all of their teachings, their ‘food bibles’. Yet it’s been helping to heal hundreds of thousands of people world-wide from chronic conditions and diseases and has the backing of a growing number of doctor’s both internationally and in Australia.  It is still a relatively new way of thinking in Australia but has growing momentum from its anecdotal evidence of healing. When the blinders are finally pulled down and the science can catch up, we have no doubt that the data will support it. Those in positions of ‘health’ may have the pedestal and luxury of waiting 20 years for mainstream science, whilst those of us who’ve been actively looking for answers for over a decade don’t care for the science anymore, rather we look to our own direct symptom, pathology and quality of life improvements, which it delivers.  It is a reconnection to your innate dietary instincts that will gently heal, nourish and endow health.

– Carnivore Lifestyle Australia (2020)