The Carnivore Store

Gift Voucher


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What on earth do you get a carnivore as a gift?!  Chocolates… no, Alcohol… no, Dinner voucher… no… It’s not always an easy decision.

When you’re at a loss, give the practical and thoughtful gift of The Carnivore Store Gift Voucher.  The gift that you know will get used, promotes health and wellness and aligns with their way of life. What better gift is there!

Choose your own value, from $30.  Australian customers only.

Select from an emailed printable E-Gift Voucher or hard copy posted Gift Voucher (posted to you or directly to the recipient – Australia-wide).   Add a card to your cart if you’d like to have your Gift Voucher sent to the recipient inside one of our carnivore cards.

At checkout in “Message to Seller”, write the message you would like to include on the Gift Voucher and/or card, or note “Leave blank”.